Giorgio Armani
The team at Giorgio Armani commissioned Bark&Bite to craft a series of vignettes celebrating the launch of the iconic Divo shoe. Aimed at the modern and sophisticated, the suede loafer is inspired by city skylines. And that is where we based our story.
Always in a fixed position, the camera takes the viewer on an aerial trip through a vast, dark skyline and towards a single illumination. Whether travelling towards a parked car, poolside lounger or apartment block, at the end of the journey sits the shoe within a beautifully styled, photoreal environment. The juxtaposition of wide, reflective cityscape and micro shoe detail highlights the luxury nature of the product.
Graphic Design
Art Direction
3D Modelling
3D Animation

Restricting ourselves to a single, unbroken shot enabled us to captivate the audience with a continuous zoom that built up and culminated in a focused view of the product in situ. The atmospheric music supports this movement and emulates the serene cityscape. As we reveal the product the melody subtly shifts, creating a lighter tone, highlighting the moment.